The island of the Blessed Virgin on the Reef


The island of the Blessed Virgin on the Reef in Montenegro and the church of the same name have their own story. According to it, in the XV century there were two brothers fishing in these places. They regularly went out into the bay, and then the boat was tied up at a small reef, which was located on the site where the island is situated at present. One day the brothers found an icon of the Mother of God in that place, and it turned out to be miraculous. The rumors about the miraculous icon quickly spread, first they reached Perast, then the miracle became known in the gulf cities. People decided to create an island in the place where the reef was located. For this purpose, old ships were sunk there. Moreover, every passing ship dropped stones or building materials to take part in the collective construction. The island had been forming for 200 years. When it was formed, in the XVII century, it was decided to build a church there. That is how the Church of the Blessed Virgin on the Reef appeared. It has other names, for example, in English it is called the Lady of Rock. The tradition of strengthening the island still exists. Every year on July 22, a festival is held, during which the citizens throw stones to the island.